Im Sonnenbühl

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Coaching & Consulting


We accompany our clients realizing their desires and support them reaching their goals. Our clients master their problems while learning about new perspectives.

Goal of our coaching is to help in a problem – and goal- oriented way towards self-motivated improvements of awareness and of experiencing and perceiving ones environment.

Communication With The Inner Consciousness

Verbal and nonverbal communication are inextricably linked.
Through hypnosis, – NLP (NeuroLinguistic Programming) and Trance-work, unconscious beliefs and behavioral patterns can be detected and transformed.

A creative process through which known and unknown unifies at the Here and Now into a new entity. Hypnosis is not dreaming about distant worlds – it is about inner awakenings.


Our birth date is set in stone. Each number represents a different characteristic and has a close connection/relationship with nature. Numerology is a unique tool to improve the understanding of oneself and win back self-confidence. You’ll be surprised at what your personal numbers have to say about you.